Day 3 - Eight Days to Lift Off ...

Can't believe it's only eight more days to departure ... just can't believe it!

Tonight I attended the Champagne Opening of the latest production by the Pewter Plough Players (who are changing their name at the end of the year to suit their new venue in Morro Bay) and tonight I realized all the work there is left to do in the coming year.  For them, the players, and for me.  Me in absentia.

And then, yes, I'll be producing all the plays next year ... quite a challenge, but one that I know I can handle ... I mean I had one of the best mentors ever:  Jim Buckley, the founder of the Pewter Plough Playhouse.  I've learned from one of the best.  And I know I can make him proud, as well as several other mentors I've had over the years in theatre.

I have quite an endeavor ahead of me, I know, in addition to my next six months in England to write a novella.  I have two tenants at the Pewter Plough Playhouse who share the PPP complex, and who will interface with each other while I'm gone, and who need to work together for the good of the whole ... which is not easy as it turns out. There's friction there. I worry about that, but I'm trying to communicate the importance of their union to them ... and I'm leaving them in capable hands, my friend Barbara Roche.  She's a strong force and can handle it, I'm sure. I have a couple more meetings scheduled, however, and am hoping it's to the benefit of all.

Aside from the PPP business ... I've also offered to publish Jay Powell's newest book ... a wonderful collection of his thoughts and quotes that Hannah Powell has gathered and recorded over the years ... some wonderful sayings and quotes.  So while I'm in England, in addition to writing my own novella, I'll be setting up Jay's book to publish.  I'm eager to do that for him.  Dear friends, Jay and Hannah.

Sooooo ... I planned to tell you today about how I came about finding a place to live in Weymouth, Dorset, UK for six months, eight days from now.

First I have been doing searches all along on Right Move UK ... a wonderful site for finding apartments and houses for rent or for sale around the world. There were and are many in abundance in Weymouth ... several each day are still sent to my email address.  And I forwarded a couple to my dear friends, Martin and Alison Weller in Weymouth who own a B&B where I've stayed several times on my visits.  They would respond telling me 'no, not a good area' etc.  And I sent inquiries to estate agents about properties I was interested in.  They told me it would be best to come in person to rent a place.

So that disappointed me, I wanted to rent right away from the Internet.  I didn't want to wait till I got there. Frustrating.  Being a person that likes to do things on their own without any help.

I finally decided to wait till I got there and would stay at Martin & Ali's B&B while I shopped for a place to live.

Well, one day, M & A emailed me saying their neighboring B&B friends had an apartment that was available to rent ... they had purchased it for their retirement, but hadn't sold their B&B yet. Would I be interested?  It was 650 British Pounds a month.  That's $889 in today's market.

Here in Cambria one cannot even find a rental that's available, much less for under $1200 a month.  So you might say it's cheaper to live in England than it is to live in Cambria.  And since I do not have a place to stay till January when I move into my new space downtown Cambria, the price in England is right.

So I said yes, I would love to rent their place. I had done extensive research and that seemed very reasonable for a 2 bedroom furnished apartment on the seafront.  Just down the promenade from my friends' B&Bs.  Perfect!

The utilities will be mine to pay, I'll pay them as they are presented to the owners ... another perfect, no deposits.  But I had to order a phone and Internet, 45 British Pounds a month.  Not bad.  So that I did over the Internet.  It'll be installed the day before I get there.  All taken care of.  The television is free, basic channels.  That's good. And I have Netflix and other channels via Internet as I do now.

In a nutshell, rent is $889 a month, utilities may take it to $1000 including rent, I'll know more when I get there.  Still much less than it would be to live in Cambria.  Amazing!  I'm telling you, it's easier than you would think.

I'm excited!   More tomorrow ...

Rebecca B.


  1. You are so brave! I'm proud to have you for a friend and looking forward to following this blog.

  2. Marilyn, it's been too long since I've seen you ... our paths used to cross from time to time at book fests and in Visalia when I lived there. Must make an effort when I return to meet up with you. I'm part of a Cambria authors event on July 2, first signing I've done in ages. I'll be thinking of you. Thank you for posting a comment ...


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