17 Days in England
I don't know what it is, but I set such high expectations on myself, set such goals that it becomes a detriment at times. It must be a carry over from corporate days, when we had to list our daily, weekly, monthly goals and meet them, no carry-overs. I have to keep reminding myself that I don't need to do that anymore. My only commitment this six months in England is to write a book. That's all. I don't have to think about anything else. And when I get back to the states my main thrust will be to get the 2017 entertainment schedule up and running at the Pewter Plough Playhosue. But that's not till Janauary. So why am I beating myself up because I don't want to do what I planned for today? The answer: QUIT PLANNING!!! So as I sit here and watch the lawn bowlers and look out over the ocean dotted with tankers, fishing boats and sail boats, as I see the town center beach filling up already (I can see it from my balcony), and I tell myself I should be out ther...